Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Butter Chicken

There's this Indian restaurant at the Stadium Waterfront (near the Indoor Stadium), Vansh, which is a favourite of both me and my sister. They've got a array of absolutely delectable dishes, one of them being butter chicken, causing me to endeavour to emulate the dish.

There's a myriad of spices in the thing. Don't ask me what that spice is in that picture. It's probably masala, or cumin, or coriander. They all look the same! Yes, I'm hopeless at telling spices apart. But I could probably sniff them out. In addition to the aforementioned spices, there's also chilli powder and paprika.

The spices are mixed together with garlic cloves and yoghurt. The chicken is then marinated in the fusion of spices. I used Jamie Oliver's 'method' of dumping everything into a sandwich bag, sealing it and throwing it into the fridge for a few hours. The marinade's smell reminded me of some essential oil from The Body Shop.

Whilst the chicken was being marinated, I made the other tomato-y part of the dish. Didn't take any pictures though, as it was rather unsightly.

The verdict? Passable. Except that I should have used less cream, more yoghurt and perhaps puree my own tomatoes to give create a more sour taste.

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